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The Welsh government are supporting post-16 providers in Wales to use the digital experience insights service as part of their Digital 2030 strategic framework.

Jisc's digital experience insights surveys provide powerful data on how your learners, teaching staff and professional services staff are using technology, what is making a difference and where improvements can be made – particularly important in the current climate.

We have also ensured the surveys map against the Digital 2030 framework, providing you with evidence of your progress against the framework.

Reports from 2021

5,921 learners, 1,181 teaching staff and 1,051 professional learning staff from further education, work-based learning and adult and community learning completed the surveys, providing robust evidence to measure progress against Digital 2030.

Our reports (mapped against the aims of Digital 2030) and information packs (mapped to the objective areas of Digital 2030) will help you compare your institutional findings against those from your sector. We will also work with you to help identify and prioritise any identified action points. Please contact your account manager for more information.

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Wales 2021 infographic

  • Wales digital experience insights surveys infographic 2021 - pdf
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Wales 2021 digital experience insights surveys: further education

  • Wales digital experience insights 2021: further education summary - Word and pdf
  • Mewnwelediadau profiad digidol Cymru 2021: crynodeb addysg bellach - Word and pdf
  • Further education in Wales: what are our learners, teaching practitioners and professional services staff telling us? - PowerPoint

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Wales 2021 digital experience insights surveys: work-based learning

  • Wales digital experience insights 2021: work-based learning summary - Word and pdf
  • Mewnwelediadau profiad digidol Cymru 2021: crynodeb dysgu yn y gwaith - Word and pdf
  • Work-based learning in Wales: what are our learners, teaching practitioners and professional services staff telling us? - PowerPoint
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Wales 2021 digital experience insights surveys: adult and community learning

  • Wales digital experience insights 2021: adult and community learning summary - Word and pdf
  • Mewnwelediadau profiad digidol Cymru 2021: crynodeb ar gyfer dysgu oedolion a chymunedol - Word and pdf
  • Adult and community learning in Wales: what are our learners, teaching practitioners and professional services staff telling us? - PowerPoint

Digital 2030: a strategic framework for post-16 digital learning in Wales

To support the post-compulsory education and training sector, Llywodraeth Cymru (Welsh Government) have developed Digital 2030 as a strategic framework to set out their shared vision, aims and objectives for post-16 digital learning during the next decade.

Read the strategic framework and implementation guidance in full:

Our online guide Digital 2030 outlines the aims and objectives of the Digital 2030 framework and shows how digital technologies can support effective delivery by exploring a range of roles and responsibilities across the post-16 sector.

Getting started

What does my organisation need to do to take part?

If you are a Welsh further education (FE), adult and community learning (ACL) or workbased learning (WBL) provider, please just contact your account manager or email to let us know you would like to take part.

We’ll then hold a short onboarding call with you where we can discuss your options and explain the support available to you.

When do the surveys open and close?

Our surveys for students, teaching staff and professional services staff for 2020/21 have now closed and the reports will be available later in 2021. The 2021/22 surveys will open in November 2021 and will close end of April/mid-May in 2022 (final dates to be confirmed).

Where can I find advice and guidance on running the surveys?

We provide extensive guidance on running the digital experience insights service (currently available in English only). See our advice and guidance pages.

We also provide editable templates in Word to help your promote the surveys to your students and staff (English and Welsh language versions available). These are downloadable from our resources page.

Note that to add your own logo, click on the marked logo place and select delete. You can then add your own logo and resize to suit, choosing the formatting/text wrap option of ‘in front of text’ to allow you to move it to the right place.

Need help?

Please do get in touch if you have any queries: